Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Back in Morwa

Poes & Maud at Schiphol, enjoying their last cigarette & summer son before the endless trip back home starts. They don’t look forward to about 6 hours waiting at Cairo airport, and the same at Joburg. And they don’t like sitting in airplanes like sardines in a can.

It’s sure winter in Joburg – one by one scarves, jumpers and coats get unpacked.

Back home in Morwa we shift from trying to stay out of the sun as much as possible to get as much warmth as we can. To take care of the evenings, Maud is invited to join a firewood-expedition into the bush nearby. Sitting around the campfire at night sure makes up for the cold!

Our sweet little puppies are sweet adolescents now, almost as big as their grown-up sisters. They even seem to recognize us…

Bashi really made progress with the building project while we were away! The store rooms (down left) are finished – one for Bram and one for Maud, so we won’t have to fight over ‘why the hell are you storing this???’ The bedroom walls are up to roof-level.

The crisp cold nights guarantee we sleep very well, but getting started in the morning is like plunging into an icy swimming pool. We might redesign the fireplace in the new house – should it be a bit bigger?

Getting back means visiting neighbours left, right and centre. Rachel & Melvin will be right next to us in the new house.

Just before we left end of April their Anele was born – he’s like twice as big already.

Another reunion: Poes finally makes it back home to Duncan and Kleine Poes.

Let’s hope the visitors – Bram’s brother & girlfriend & daughter – are really prepared for winter in Africa!

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