Saturday, January 14, 2006


Exercising every day now, making sure Bram’s Achillespees is stronger when we go to Botswana, and to keep the gut growth down while eating mountains of delicious food. Especially at Tannie Hettie’s (Gerhard’s ma). Remember the table moaning under our absolutely fabulous engagement-dinner? This time it was to be just a little braai. As little as Kareltje is small – Gerhard’s Great Dane 10 month-adolescent is huge, gigantic, enormous, clumsy and very sweet.
Na die heerlik knoffelpizza (just a little appetizer) kom Tannie se soetboontjiessaus en tuttie-frutti, Gerhard se slaai, al die braaivleis die Nick gebraai het, die sjampioene- en tamatiesaus, die kaasskottel met provita, die krummelpap. En dan Tannie se pudding, dat is die dood, chocoladetaart met roomys en vla.
Vir die kos het ons nog een draai deur Tannie se tuin gemaak, the garden which already was beautiful last year has matured marvellously. The palms, birches and prunes, papyrus, broodbome – Tannie still work wonders, as we’d already seen on the farm a few years ago.
Boektip: Eben Venter: Begeerte.

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