Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Monica @ McGregor

The gorgeous fynbos bouquet Jon made to give to Monica. We haven’t seen Monica for about 4 years; the last time must have been in Potchefstroom, Aardklop 2007 (about kunstefees Aardklop), when Monica and Bram went to do a most serious Whiskey Course. And when we had a delicious huge braai at Monica’s then house in Potch.

Monica, good food, a joke or two - we are having a great time! Note the beautiful artichoke flower – Maud is dying to get those in her garden too.
Okay, here’s the joke: Man kneeling by bed, Wife says, what are you praying for? Husband says: Guidance. Wife says, Pray for stiffness, I'll guide the thing myself!

Maya – finally asleep. She is a very sweet and very active dog!
Maybe she is tired from walking ‘all the way’ to the two Dutch McGregor ladies who have a huge wood-fired oven and bake delicious bread. It’s way bigger then the pizza & bread oven we want to make, but we can sure scale down their ‘how to heat it up’ tips.

Mina all set and ready to have FUN.
She also walked with, rather dragged, Maud all over McGregor. Which isn’t that big a job cause it’s a great small village. There is one famous criminal. He’ll break in and enter, eat and drink whatever he can find, and fall asleep. When you find him upon coming home you can call the police to come fetch him, so he can have some time in prison until his next break-in.


Monica’s garden is fabulous. She has lots of veggies and herbs, among which these artichokes with their stunning flowers. We of course took plenty seeds, hoping they want to thrive in Botswana desert soil also.

And this is what the village looks like.

Monica bought a box of perskes from a bakkie – now what to do with those? It will be a traditional Afrikaans recipe for preserving perskes. This is high on my ‘having fun’ list: big, well equipped kitchen, good ingredients, couple of people, cooking! We still have two jars packed with perskes in our fridge, waiting for an appropriate occasion to be eaten...
Meanwhile we get to taste the Lebanese mezze Monica makes to sell on the market. That’s something we definitely will try back home: make mezze!

Hengk and laptop, Mina and knuffel...

Mojo the cat is a bit confused. He decided it’s his job to keep the guests all comfortable and warm by sleeping in their bed – so what is Sara suddenly doing here? To make things worse Maya and Mina decided to join for a nap also. At least the canines stayed out of the bed at night...
Altogether we had a great stay, thank you so much Monica!!
'McGregor an al sy dinge' by Monica
about McGregor

1 comment:

Alan said...

Awesome photos.

Jack and Tui say hi too. And Maggie of course :)