Friday, January 23, 2009

WWS: Deception Valley (Central Kalahari)

In between Maun and Morwa there's a lot of great places to go. In the end we decide to skip Nata Bird Sanctuary and venture Deception Valley - it's ten years ago since we have been there together, and got stuck in the deep sand. Maud has been back once, when she was invited by Piet to join a rescue mission and learn all about the uselessness of Landrovers.

Deception Valley is located in the Central Kalahari, a game reserve about the size of the Netherlands. Enough room to have big, far apart campsites that make you feel like you are blissfully alone in the bush! Only after enjoying the marvellous sunset you see other campfires glowing.

Since we have little time we don't expect to see much animals during our one morning game drive. It is already a big surprise to encounter a herd of springbok and right next to them a gemsbok-herd. Bram gets himself and his camera's on the roof for a better view - until we meet a safari vehicle, and the guide tells us there's lion close by. This is our lucky day: three lionesses and a lion, with a still untouched kill, a springbok, right next to the road!

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