Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Count Down

Saturday before Easter we celebrate two important events. Early in the morning we discover we still have three puppies sleeping on the porch, so they survived their first night in their new yard without getting disoriented. Their mother isn’t that happy about this new sleeping arrangement. She recently moved in with us to avoid her offspring, only to be followed by the three bitches.

In the afternoon we walk over to Jeff & Pelo for, as you can guess, a braai. The Master of the House has been in the bush too long, so the homecoming must be commemorated properly. On top of that LJ finally returned after 8 months in the American bush. Imagine having to drive 60 miles to get cell phone reception and supplies... We’re glad the old man survived the US of A!

Celebrated it is, with excellent beef, nice salads, Bram’s Viking-vodka and good company. The most eligible bachelor of Morwa, mister Edo Zachary, takes care of the entertainment by being a charming Terrible Two. When he finally falls asleep on top of Brrrram and Maud, we make do with telling jokes around the fire. Carbon footprint or not, most evenings are so cold now you really need the heat of burning wood.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dat jongetje en Marijn zien er hetzelfde uit.
Dank jullie wel voor jullie mooie brief, Marijn straalde helemaal. Take care, Marijn&Arna&Nils