Monday, March 03, 2008


De first two days with Peter & Annette we spend in & around Morwa, to show them all the tourist highlights. Botswana’s claim to fame is game, so it took some thinking to invent a couple of ‘must see’s, but in the end we thought up more than was doable.
A sure must is the visit to Mochudi museum, located on a rocky hill in the old village-centre. Thank the gods for tourists, because we always think we are too busy to go there just for us. We really needed to catch up with Hardy, the artist who’s running the museum’s workshop, and the rocks are the perfect spot for a picnic or sundowners.

A must for Peter is seeing Patrick van Rensburg (see Wikipedia). Patrick started the Botswana Brigades, where Peter & Bram were working some 30 years ago.
By chance we discovered two other highlights. Odi Weavers, one of the first development projects after Botswana became independent, started by Scandinavians, is still alive. We don’t know for how long, because the old women who keep the place going say the new generation isn’t interested in learning the skill. Which is a pity: the workshop is really worth the visit, and they make beautiful, internationally renowned tapestry. It’s all done by hand from scratch, the ladies even spin and dye the sheep wool themselves.

At Bokaa Dam we come across the Tourism Village. Here’s an intriguing project! There’s a bar, restaurant, nice shaded terrace, braai-area, and the beginnings of an attractive garden, all located next to the dam. But there’s no marketing whatsoever, so we, who stumbled upon it, are the first and only visitors since long.


Anonymous said...

Wat doodzonde dat deze skill niet meer doorgegeven wordt.

Anonymous said...

nog Gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag Bram