Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Graduation Party

The dogs aren't able to move anymore.
Security-wise Yvonne's Graduation Party was a big hassle for them, with all this strangers strolling past our yard on their way to Jeff's plot, and the music and voices all night through. But now that their bellies are almost bursting with their share of the leftovers, they're convinced parties are great.

Saturday-afternoon adults were allowed on the premises. The youngsters were preparing for a wild night by being very quiet. Yvonne's brother Edu, Tom and the other kids succeeded in playing with the toys, instead of fighting over them. The tables almost collapsed under the lunch-goodies, and we oldies had a nice, mellow afternoon.

Around sunset the elderly people were told to get lost, so the real party could start. Jeff tried to hang on, posing as one of the jolly party-boys, but around eight he turned up at our house for comfort (they implied he's an over sixty muna mogola) and ice cream.

Like a good uncle Bram walked over around 5:00 am to check the nieces. The owner of the party was sleeping soundly in a car, some people were still partying, and others tried to clean the yard before Jeff & Pelo would come out of the house.

I wrote this post two weeks ago, just after the party, but it took time to assemble the pictures. Our party-mood is totally gone now because we lost the 'little' dog Abraham jr. last Friday. Having to miss his cheerful company from the moment we wake up till the moment we go to sleep makes life pretty gloomy.


Ronald said...

for 'little' dog Abraham jr.

Sunday is gloomy, my hours are slumberless
Dearest the shadows I live with are numberless
Little white flowers will never awaken you
Not where the black coach of sorrow has taken you
Angels have no thought of ever returning you

( lyrics by Sam M. Lewis .)

so sad reading this...sterkte

Anonymous said...

Tranen?? Ivanjr.schrok er van! Luister maar niet naar Billy Holliday, die dit zingt.(Voor oude moeders ook teveel)