Friday, October 05, 2007

Appie & Mussadi

We'll do the 'Back 2 Bots' post later, but we've got one piece of breaking news for concerned friends & family now: 'not our dogs' Appie and his mom Mussadi are alive!
They belong to the neighbours, but took our dog-less yard into their territory (this might have something to do with the grub we offer when there's nobody around next door). We saved the poisoned mom from dying last X-mass (this SAS-survival-guide is a must), and later took almost dead Appie to the posh dog-hospital. As soon as we drove into our yard they rushed towards the bakkie, overwhelmed with joy we're back - and looking kind of healthy for Batswana-mongrels (except for the tick-, flee-, worm- and etc-infections, but we'll see to that).

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