Monday, August 20, 2007

No Knead Bread

Sunday suddenly Carel came. Having Mister C over is always fun, and not only because his belly is bigger than Bram's, which makes Mister B worry less about his good life.
This time he entered bubbling with joy, saying I've got something for you, we're going to do something, and I know you'll love it. Here's the result of our deeds:

Maud's first No Knead Bread (check for baking instructions, I wrote down a recipe, so mail me if you need it). Incredibly easy to make, it only takes time but hardly any labour, and de taste is fabulous!
As one thing always leads to another this event led to Maud collecting everything you need to know for building a mud oven - a new Botswana-project... And than she found other interesting outside-kitchen stuff (youtube offers a fascinating collection of Indian and Pakistani village cooking video's), so she'll ask Bashi to collect cow dung, mud and straw for construction works.

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