Sunday, December 18, 2005

Familie-naweekkwartet - Baambrugge

Fourth stop in our X-mas familyround-a-bout is Baambrugge, where Maud's ouma Lydia lives. Maybe if you get very old you just fade away by lessening input - hearing and seeing less and less. But in between fading away the tough old lady is still sharp as scissors. What happens today, what happened yesterday, doesn't register, but she reacts like a hawk if there's a piece of information which really interests her.
Fascinating, in retrospect time gets another dimension - 44 years can be like 23, 25 years can be like a much, much longer period than over 40 years. And 90 years ago can be clearer than one hour ago. She remembers a brief moment in Marocco or Egypt way back when better than what happened this morning.

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