Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Zach turns 6!

February 5 Maud’s boyfriend Zachary John Edu Claeys turned 6 - Big Boy! He’s looking a bit tired here cause it’s the end of a long, fun, exhausting party day...

Still really summer, really hot, so what do you do with a bunch of kids that are about to get overheated from running around, popping balloons, and etcetera? You give them a pool and a garden hose for cooling down. Zach’s classmate Tristan takes his task very serious!

Pondering what to do next.

The vampire teeth – scary! To change the vampire back into a kid you have to turn it upside down and tickle it. Imagine how Maud’s back felt in the evening... 

The BDay Boy parents, Pelo and Jeff.

Jem’s auntie Monica visiting from the UK. As you can see by the Wildebees hanging over her head Zach’s dad is a PH (professional hunter).
about Wildebeest
Wildebeest or Gnu are killed for food, especially for biltong (dried game meat), a delicacy in Africa.

Jem and Opelo. She’s back in Botswana on a break from her studies in China.
Africans are asking whether China is making their lunch or eating it  (The Economist)

Maud and her new friend PM in PM’s rock castle. Maud’s castle is right next to it, so it’s real easy to visit each other. Okay, Maud admits – often she finds talking with the adults quite boring (sorry, no offense) compared to hanging out with the kids.

Finally, uncle Bram cutting the cake!

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