Saturday, May 30, 2009

Being Guests, Having Guests

Since we will be in the Netherlands only till July 22, our program is quite packed with socializing☺ Maud’s friend since August 1973! Kristien got her B-Day dinner organized by her sons & boyfriend. Batswana pay attention: these people plan to visit next winter.

Another B-Day: to celebrate Maud’s uncle Aernout gathered some family on his botter (a wooden 1902 fishermen’s sailing boat).

This is where 2 fishermen and a gofer or bramzeigertje used to live six days a week.

Guess how the bloodlines flow!

Shopping in downtown Leiden, a 10 minutes walk from our house. It’s totally useless to go by car, so people use their feet, bicycles, mopeds, and boats.

The flower-section of the ‘big’ market on Saturdays; Wednesday has a half-sized ‘small’ market.

A close-up of the fishy section – yummy!!

My, my, people say Maud is the one who needs a re-integration course, but at least she knows how to eat a nieuwe haring. Hold it by the tail high up in the air, and start enjoying, Bram!

“Any woman who thinks the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach is aiming about 10 inches too high” - Adrienne Gusoff

Maud’s mom came over for the weekend, so we invited some neighbours she knows from way back when.

Batswana pay attention again: Maud’s mom plans to visit next autumn, and Bram’s brother & grlfriend & daughter will arrive coming July 30 already!

Got the caps – is there anything else to prepare?

Every guest has to admire the plans for our Botswana house…

… and to watch the video!
Proved and approved, so Bavo & Dineke say they will hop over to help with the finishings, like painting and carpentry.

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