Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Footing, Founding, Fortifying

Finally an attempt to give you all an overview of the house-to-be, although it is hard to make pictures that show what you see when you are there 'live'.
Once put into place this almost finished sliding gate will give entrance to the plot.

Looking from the office annex guesthouse to the house-to-be you see the stock brick walls that make the foundation. To fit in- and onto the hill, the house must be quite high above the lowest soil level. Therefore it is possible to convert the first part of the foundation into two storerooms. You are looking at the front wall of the storerooms. The first half of the floor of the living room and kitchen will be on top of that.

Looking from the bedroom-to-be you see the contours of the space that will become living room, kitchen and bathroom. Bram and Witvoet are sitting next to where the fireplace and chimney will be.

Check, check, double check - but since Bashi's tolerance is about 5 mm over 10 meters, this check is once again satisfying. Bram is standing in the storeroom, underneath the kitchen to be.

Now Bram is standing in the bathroom. Barely visible to his right is the trench for the footing of the bedroom foundation.

1 comment:

Ohm said...

Hey Nicht en Neef,
Man,er zit echt schot in!!,...en dat voor Afrika!
Ik kan mij er nog niet goed een voorstelling van maken,maar dat zal in de komende fotoseries wel komen.
Gaat de bouw door als jullie in NL zijn??...Kom je terug en is het huis klaar en gekraakt door 7 Bantu families ;-))
Hey jongens,geniet ervan.
Liefs aan alle familie in NL.