Friday, November 07, 2008


Our favourite office, the Khama Rhino Sanctuary, also needed some work done – yes, making this picture is part of hours of hard work in the blazing sun! How grateful Bram is for these models.

The official opening of the sanctuary’s restaurant, donated by de US African Development Foundation, turns out to be a big do. The Chief Game Warden shot two impalas and a wildebeest, and around that game Chef Tendah created a beautiful buffet.

Our main job is to take pictures and video of all the dignitaries: the chiefs of the surrounding communities who take part in the sanctuary, the board, the new American ambassador, the minister of Environment and Wildlife, and our president’s younger brother.

The speeches are fortunately intermingled with dancing school kids from the communities and the Rhino Choir. Come see our video when we are back in Europe.

Before we pitch our tent there’s a game drive to show the big brass the rhino’s really breed like rats here. Rhino’s we’ve seen enough, but we get lucky and meet a nice herd of giraffe. Before we rush back to our puppies the next morning we stop at the Chef’s house in the nearby village Serowe for a delicious breakfast. Botswana is so scarcely populated it’s hard not to know people when you work on location…

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