Tuesday, October 14, 2008

New Puppies

September 19 The Matriarch Mossadi decided to give birth in our yard. Just what we needed now that we’re too busy to even update this poor blog weekly!

Since mom is very weak, and nobody really wants Full Bred Tswana dogs anyway, we decide to keep only four males. Neighbour Mma Binkie, the official owner of The Matriarch, wants two boys, we want one, and we need a spare one cause these puppies tend to die like flies.

We kept tough ones… They survive their nest being flooded by a broken water pipe, so we build a new crib.

They survive mom biting them so hard in their heads that two boys get big abscesses and have to visit the vet. Try getting antibiotics into puppies screaming their head off twice a day… Or feeding four boys their extra’s without them bathing in their grub… This by the way is Joshua.

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