Sunday, August 24, 2008

True Love & Bitch!

It's from bad to worse. Dunya brought her own bathroom - very posh compared to the boys' humble outfit. Guess what happens - occupying the men's room for hours and hours. And where did this bitch get the idea she can sleep on top of Tau's wife? He'll grudgingly share with Bram, but enough is enough!

When after a day Poes decides grub, booze, bed, bathroom rights are clear, she starts seducing our boys. They really get the works, but hey, after all that death threads guys will be apprehensive. She kind of respects grumpy King Tau, but poor merry Tlo is chased all over the house.

Meanwhile we of course fall in love with the naughty menace. You'll wake up at night cause it's time to practice hunting and your feet or hands are the prey. It's so cute! She tries a bite of everything you put on a plate. It's so adorable! She's into gymnastics big time, especially climbing - curtains are her favourite challenge. It's a pity we don't see the beauty of all the interior decorating she does...
Still we all miss her when she swaps our house (right) for her own (left)!

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