Sunday, August 24, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

Wrapping up in the Netherlands keeps us occupied... Cleaning the house for renting it out, packing, finishing jobs, and of course tons of meeting & greeting. We had another sunny weekend at Maud's mom in the woods with a lot of loitering on the lawn, weeding, dining & wining, and generally having a good time.

Bram hopped over to his family for Sunday lunch, loitering on another lawn, and enjoying life.

At Bram's office there's this custom of cooking for everyone when you leave. Since we didn't succeed in buying a goat and still had to produce African food we sweated over our favourite Ghana recipes for the 35 guests.

The Chef and his flower girl...

Another tradition by now: together with Bram's parents we visit Bavo & Dineke during their summer sailing tour. Again they picked a harbour with a great view and a good restaurant.

True Love & Bitch!

It's from bad to worse. Dunya brought her own bathroom - very posh compared to the boys' humble outfit. Guess what happens - occupying the men's room for hours and hours. And where did this bitch get the idea she can sleep on top of Tau's wife? He'll grudgingly share with Bram, but enough is enough!

When after a day Poes decides grub, booze, bed, bathroom rights are clear, she starts seducing our boys. They really get the works, but hey, after all that death threads guys will be apprehensive. She kind of respects grumpy King Tau, but poor merry Tlo is chased all over the house.

Meanwhile we of course fall in love with the naughty menace. You'll wake up at night cause it's time to practice hunting and your feet or hands are the prey. It's so cute! She tries a bite of everything you put on a plate. It's so adorable! She's into gymnastics big time, especially climbing - curtains are her favourite challenge. It's a pity we don't see the beauty of all the interior decorating she does...
Still we all miss her when she swaps our house (right) for her own (left)!

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Poespoespoes Dunya

It's summer-holiday time in the Netherlands. Therefore we have a houseguest for about 3 weeks: her Royal Highness Princess Poespoespoes Dunya. She's a sexy female feline of about 4 months who lives across the road. Our Tlo courts her from second 1. Our Tau at first ignores her cause he's hooked on Maud, but after some hours her grace is too much for him.

Being a real female Dunya (one third the guys' size) reacts to all this courting with loud screams and dead-threats. When Tlo resigns to just sit & stare, she starts to eat the boys' food & drink their booze. That's too much for Tau, here counter-measures are needed - pity Maud stops the Final Fight before it starts!
We knew this would happen. Princess Poes loves the old guys' bladder problems diet food. The boys don't like her Highness' Royal kitten grub that much, but a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do.

Dunya of course also occupies their favourite napping spots. Worst is she wants in on the master-bed the boys share with us. Like she's in, they're out. So the first night Maud sleeps downstairs on the fat boy, hoping to attract a cat or two, while Bram guards the master-bed. He enjoys a nice, spacey night, the little bitch usurps the boys' downstairs crib, and de rest of us dream of big, soft, cuddly beds.
Is this exemplary for what happens when you take a woman in? "There goes my everything" right from the start to the very end...