Wednesday, April 09, 2008

What Breed?

The most important thing on our ‘last minute’-list is a trip to the posh veterinary clinic. It’s earlyish for the puppies’ second round of shots & de-worming, but it’s better than nothing.
Saturday morning the expotition starts: 5 puppies & Maud in the back, all excited about this big adventure. We’ve never been to the clinic on a Saturday before, and will avoid that from now on: it’s packed. The parking lot is filled with posh cars, feverishly guarded by ntsa tshaba; we’ve never seen so many expensive full bred watchdogs together.

It’s a smart idea: leave the patients in the car, while Bram gets in line in the office. Soon our puppies are the main attraction in the parking lot. Within seconds a lady walks up, says ‘ah, how sweet’, and asks ‘what breed is it’. When Maud tells her they’re full bred Tswana, she tells about her sweetest dog in the world, a Tswana that just walked in one day, looking for food and medical care. Another lady wants to know if they’re all Rhodesian Ridgebacks, an Indian guy with a beautiful German Shepherd almost kills himself with laughter when Maud tells him hers are full bred Tswana’s, and so on.
Finally it’s our turn, and the vet decides it’s easier to treat our bunch inside the car. Nelson and Aisha scream their head of, but Desmond, Nadia and Moira are very brave, and we leave with a fully certified Tswana pack.

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