Monday, February 05, 2007


Traditionally birthdays aren’t considered a party-occasion in Botswana, but that is changing. Especially the first B-day should be remembered Big Time. So imagine when it’s a double event...
February 3 Edu Zachary and Tom Uyapo had their First B-day Party at Morwa. Now Dutch people will think turning one, that’s an easy job. You buy some chips, peanuts, sweets, drinks and a cake, and you’re ready. Not in Botswana. Next to the chips etc. you have to ‘organize’ a sheep and a goat. Meaning you buy live animals that have to be turned into seswaa and stew. You just have to have a jumping castle. (Hamish and Bram are designing the XXX-rated adult version.) All in one, it’s a major effort for a major event.
The party was as successful as the amount of stress beforehand; it was a big hit. When the kids got high on lemonade and hotdogs we knew why the jumping castle is a must: otherwise they’ll ransack the house. Do the grown-ups need one also? They seem quite happy, sitting on top of their cool boxes packed with beer and cider.

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